INSPIRE got a request for helping visually challenged persons who are vendors mostly in local electric trains. Ms.Vanaja, President of Visually Impaired Welfare Association wanted INSPIRE to procure business materials for 50 visually impaired persons.
INSPIRE Team decided to procure peanut barfi packets worth Rs.600/- to each person, who in turn can make a profit of Rs.400/- on selling these 200 packets, thereby earning a total amount of Rs.1,000/-. Even though it is a small amount for each person, it matters a lot to them and for 50 of them.
INSPIRE contributed Rs.30,000/- for this Project. New Vision Friends Club arranged the 50 bags of 200 peanut barfi packets and also coordinated the entire event of distribution on Saturday, 27-Apr-2019, at Karunai Trust premises in Saidapet.