GV08 – Inspiring School Wall

INSPIRE painted the exterior compound wall of AJS Nidhi Higher Secondary School, Alandur, Chennai – 600016, measuring a length of 180 metres and around 2,000 sq. ft. with social awareness messages.

Following were the Social Awareness Topics

1. Eye Donation
2. Blood Donation
3. Organ Donation
4. Respect Women
5. Healthy Living
6. Disabled Means Differently-Abled
7. Say No to Alcohol
8. Save Electricity
9. Prevent Child and Women Abuse
10. Take Care of Senior Citizens
11. Save Rain Water
12. Stop Littering
13. Obey Traffic Rules
14. Save Trees
15. Save Environment
16. Importance of Growing Trees
17. Save Water
18. Say No to Smoking
19. Stop Child Labour

The novel methodology of making the school students involve in the painting not only created social awareness among teenagers but also encouraged them to involve in social welfare activities. INSPIRE spent more than Rs.30,000/- for this unique project.

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