After 2 earlier visits to Nandiambakkam Primary School (GV001 and GV002), INSPIRE guided School HM Usharani Mam to conduct an Exhibition on Conservation of Nature. Students had displayed various interesting exhibits on Save Water, Rain water Harvesting, Importance of Trees, Rain Cycle, etc. They explained all the exhibits with great interest.
INSPIRE team gave away 40 tree saplings as prizes for all the students. Both students and their parents were excited to receive the fruit bearing tree saplings as we had bought the saplings according to their wish, i.e, mango, sapota, guava, goose berry, coconut, papaya and pomegranate saplings.
Students were given an instruction on how to maintain the saplings after planting them. They were asked to water the plants twice daily, put a fence around to safe-guard it and put cowdung or other available manure as fertilizer. All students were made to take a pledge while receiving the tree saplings that they will take of their trees as their eyes and make it grow healthily.
INSPIRE contributed Rs.12,000/- for this Tree Plantation project.